Kontos Pavlos

Kontos Pavlos
Professor, Department Chair

Studies and qualifications

  • 1985-1988: Film-Studies
  • 1986-1990: Philosophy studies in the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology of the University of Athens.
  • 1992-1995: PhD in philosophy at UCL.
  • PhD Title: D’une phénoménologie de la perception chez Heidegger (Supervisor: Jacques Taminiaux)
  • 1998-1999: Master in the Program “Open and Distance Learning”, Greek Open University


Books Authored (selection)

  1. 2021. Aristotle on the Scope of Practical Reason. Spectators, Legislators, Hopes, and Evils. Routledge: New York/London. Book Symposium: Online Book Symposium (08.11.2021) with the participation of: Anselm Müller (University of Trier & University of Chicago), C.D.C. Reeve (UNC at Chapel Hill), Talbot Brewer (University of Virginia), John Hacker-Wright (University of Guelph), and Evgania Mylonaki (University of Patras).
  2. 2011. Aristotle’s Moral Realism Reconsidered. Phenomenological Ethics. Routledge: New York/London (2013, Paperback edition). Reviewed by: J. Karbowski, NDPR, 02-09-2011; J. Wisnewski, Philosophy in Review, 2012/3; S. A. Mason, 2012sep CHOICE; C. Davia, International Philosophical Quarterly, 52/3, 2012, 373-377; An. Caeiro, Euphrosyne, XL, 2012, 490-492 (in Portuguese); Fr. Rese, Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung; 66/4, 2012, 614-617 (in German); A. Vigo, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 111/2, 2013, 423-426 (in French) ; S. Millett, The Review of Metaphysics, 66/4, 2013, 841-843; S. Virvidakis, Critica, 2013-09 (in Greek); P. Thanassas, Critica, 2013-08 (in Greek); A. Fermani, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, 1, 2014, 218 – 220 (in Italian); K. Flannery, The Thomist, 78/4, 2014, 634-638.
  3. 2002. L’action morale chez Aristote. Presses Universitaires de France : Paris (Anant-Propos and Préface, respectively, by J. Taminiaux and R. Sokolowski). Reviewed by: J. Capek, Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 2006/2, 59, 147-158 (also: Reflexe, 29, 2006); P. Rodrigo, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 102/1, 2004, 182-186; L. Elders, Review of Metaphysics, LVI/4, 2003, 888-889.
  4. 1996. D’une phénoménologie de la perception chez Heidegger. Kluwer (Phaenomenologica 137): London/ Boston/ Dordrecht. Reviewed by: R. Gély, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 95/4, 1997, 731-737; J. De Visscher, Tijdschrift voor Filosophie, 1998/1, 611-612; R. Dreon, Filosofia e teologia, 3/1998, 670-672.

In Modern Greek

  1. 2018.  The two eu of eutuchia. Introduction to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Crete University Press: Athens/Heraklion. [English edition; Palgrave MacMillan, forthcoming.]
  2. Kant’s Ethics of Promises. Hestia: Athens.
  3. 2000   Aristotle’s Ethics. Kritikê: Athens.

Books (co-)edited (selection)

  1. P. Kontos (ed.), Evil in Aristotle, Cambridge UP, 2018.
  2. V. Foti & P. Koontos (eds.), Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political. Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux, Springer, 2017.
  3. The Metaphysics of Sight and Phenomenology, with A. Cimino, Brill, 2016
  4. Kant: Making Reason Intuitive, with K. Goudeli and I. Patellis, Palgrave, Hampshire, 2006
  5. Gadamer et les Grecs, with J. C. Gens and P. Rodrigo, Vrin, Paris, 2005

Translations in Modern Greek (with introduction and commentary)

  • Ed. Husserl, Die Krisis der europäischen Menschentums und die Philosophie, Ekkremes, Athens, 2011
  • Ed. Husserl, Die Ursprung der Geometrie, Bilingual edition, Ekkremes, Athens, 2005
  • Ed. Husserl, Cartesianische Meditationen, Roes, Athens, 2002

Referred Papers (selection)

  • 2021   “Mind your prayers. Aristotle’s notion of euchê,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (Pre-published online: September 17, 2021; https://doi.org/10.1515/agph-2020-0094)
  • 2021   “Hoping-well. Aristotle’s Phenomenology of elpis,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29/3: 415-434 /doi.org/10.1080/09608788.2020.1818054
  • 2014   Non-virtuous intellectual states in Aristotle’s Ethics,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XLVII/2: 205- 243.
  • 2014   “Gadamer’s Appeal to phronêsis and the Shadow of Heidegger,” The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy XIII: 206-222.
  • 2011   “Kant’s Categories of Freedom as Rules of Moral Salience,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 65/2: 194-216.
  • 2009   “’Ακολασία as Radical Ethical Vice,” Ancient Philosophy 29/2: 337-347.

Book Chapters (recent)

  • 2021. “Le mal radical chez Aristote et chez Kant. Le cas de Phalaris” in D. Lang (ed.), Kant et les Grecs, hier et aujourd’hui. Paris: Vrin (forthcoming).
  • 2019. “Phronêsis und ihre Gegenstände (VI 1-5, 8-10, 12)” in: O. Höffe (ed.), Aristoteles. Die Nikomachische Ethik (4th rev. Ed.), 129-148. Akademie Verlag: Berlin.
  • 2018. “Aristotle in Phenomenology” in: D. Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology, 5-24. Oxford UP: Oxford.
  • 2018. “Radical Evil in Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics” in: P. Kontos (ed.), Evil in Aristotle, 75-97.
  • 2017. “The Myth of Performativity: From Aristotle to Arendt and Taminiaux”, in: V. Fóti & P. Kontos (eds.), Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political, 233-251.

Research Interests

  • Aristotle’s Ethics
  • Kant’s Ethics
  • Phenomenology: Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty
  • Evil
  • Hope

Funded Research Projects

  • Supervisor of the Research Project: Habit and skill: the articulation and usefulness of a neglected distinction, in collaboration with the Birkbeck College, University of London; sponsored by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (01/2012 – 12/2013). Total Budget: 160.000 E
  •  “Karatheodori Research Award”: three year long Research project financed by the University of Patras (2003-2006). Project title: “Hermeneutics and Aristotle’s ethics”. Total budget: 30.000 E

Academic Honours 

  • W. J. Bouswma Fellow at the National Humanities Center, North Carolina (2017-2018).
  • Senior Visiting Scholar (Spring Semester 2013), Onassis Foundation in USA: The University Seminars Program (Επισκέπτης στα πανεπιστήμια Duke, Fordham, Princeton)
  • Humboldt-Fellow (2007- ): Visiting Professor at the Philosophisches Seminar, Universität Freiburg (01/07/07 – 30/12/07 & 15/09/12 – 15/12/12)

Visiting Professor    

  • UNC at Chapel Hill, Department of Philosophy (Spring Semester 2013).
  • Universität Freiburg, Philosophisches Seminar (Fall Semester 2007 & 2012).

Open Internet Courses and Video-Lectures (in Modern Greek)

Courses (2021-2022)

  • Graduate Seminar: Evil in Kant and Nietzsche
  • Pre-graduate course: Introduction to Philosophy II

Full CV
