Mylonaki Evgenia

Mylonaki Evgenia
Assistant professor


  • 2003-2010: PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh. Dissertation Committee:  John McDowell, University of Pittsburgh, Kieran Setiya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Anil Gupta, University of Pittsburgh, Jessica Moss, New York University (NYU)
  • 2003-2010: Master in the Arts, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh.
  • 1996-2001: BA (with honors), Philosophy and History of Science Department, University of Athens, Greece.



“From Conflict to Unity: Motivation and Practical Reason”, UMI Publishing House, University of Pittsburgh, 2010.

Edited Volumes

  • Reason in Nature; New Essays on John McDowell”, Mylonaki, E. & Boyle M. (ed)., Harvard: Harvard University Press, forthcoming.

Papers (selection)

  • Forthcoming in 2022: “Practical Knowledge and the Spiritual Nature of Man” in The Anscombean Mind, Routledge Philosophical Minds, R. Wiseman and A. Haddock, Routledge. ISBN 9781138551367
  • Forthcoming in 2022: «Seeing the World; Moral Difficulty and Drama» in Reason in Nature; New Essays on John McDowell, Mylonaki, E. & Boyle M. (ed.)., under publication by Harvard: Harvard University Press.
  • 2020: «The Question of Practical Knowledge”, Philosophical Explorations, 23:2, 167-179.
  • 2019: «Philippa Foot», Duncan Pritchard (ed.)Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 2018: «The Individual in Pursuit of the Individual; A Murdochian Account of Moral Perception», in Journal of Value Inquiry, 53 (4):579-603.
  • 2018: «Instrumental Normativity and the Practicable Good: A Murdochian Constitutivist Account», in Rationality and agency, S. Tennenbaum and D. Horst (ed.), Manuscrito, 41 (4):349-388
  • 2018: “Judgments of Practice and Ways of Life”, in Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, G. Maggini, J. Vila-Cha, J. Hogan, H. Karabatzaki & V. Papanikolaou (εκδ.), Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)- Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
  • 2018: “Action as the Conclusion of Practical Reasoning; The Critique of a Rödlian Account”, European Journal of Philosophy, (1): 30-45.
  • 2016: “Practical Knowledge and Perception” στον συλλογικό τόμο Action and Morality, Mark Alznauer and Josse Torralba (ed..), Olms Verlag, Germany.

Book reviews

  • In process: «Review of John Hacker-Wright’s (ed.) ‘Philippa Foot on Goodness and Virtue’», Philosophical Quarterly.
  • 2016: «Action, Knowledge and Will, by John Hyman» Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 67, Issue 267, 1 April 2017, p. 429–434.


  • Under contract with Crete University Press: G.E.M. Anscombe, Intention, with Constantine Sandis (University of Hertfodshire).
  • Forthcoming: D. Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Ekkremes Publishing House, Greece.
  • 2003: P. F. Strawson, Skepticism and Naturalism, Ekkremes Publishing House, 2003.

Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα

  • Περιοχή Ειδίκευσης: Ηθική Φιλοσοφία, Φιλοσοφία της Πράξης, Αναλυτική Φιλοσοφία
  • Περιοχή Επάρκειας: Αρχαία Φιλοσοφία, Πολιτική Φιλοσοφία

Research Grants

  • March 2017 – March 2019: Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, National Foundation of Fellowships of Greece, University of Athens with Stathis Psillos
  • June 2012 – June 2015: European Social Fund (ESF), € 150.000
    3 Year Post-doctoral Research Grant, University of Patras, Greece
  • 2003-8: University of Athens, 3 Year Research Grant


  • 2011 – 2012: DAAD Fellowship, € 3.000
    University of Leipzig, Germany
  • 2009-10: American Association of University Women (AAUW), € 20.000
    Out of 35 fellowships in all scientific fields.
  • 2009-10: University of Pittsburgh, Honorary Dean’s Tuition Fellowship
  • 2005-8: University of Pittsburgh, Graduate Fellowship, full fellowship – tuition, board and stipendium
  • 2003-4: Andrew Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellowship, full fellowship – tuition, board and stipendium
  • 2003-8: Foundation of National Grants of Greece(IKY), 5 Year doctoral fellowship for M.Phil and PhD at the University of Oxford (declined after declining offer of admission to M.Phil from University of Oxford)

Conference Grants

  • 2018: American Catholic Philosophical Association (ACPA)for a centennial conference in honor of G.E.M.Anscombe in Athens in 2019.
  • 2012: University of Pamplona, Spain
    2010: Aristotelian Society of Philosophy
  • 2008: University of Pittsburgh


2020- 2021: University of Patras, Greece

  • “Philosophy of Action”
  • “Contemporary Practical Philosophy”
  • “Life as a Philosophical Category”
  • “The Sovereignty of Goodness”

2012 – 2017: CYA/College Year in Athens, Greece

  • “Dialectic Activity” co-taught with Talbot Brewer (university of Virginia)
  • “Film and Philosophy” co-taught with Robert Pippin (University of Chicago)
  • “Action and Knowledge” co-taught with John Hyman (University of Oxford)
  • “Action in Ancient Greek and Contemporary Philosophy”
  • “The Concept of Life in Ancient Greek and Contemporary Philosophy”
  • “The Nature of First Principles and of Ultimate Reality”
  • “The Good Life and the Common Good”

Spring 2018 – University of Athens

  • “Introduction to the Philosophy of Action”

2015-19: Hellenic Open University, Greece

  • History of Philosophy

University of Pittsburgh, 2004 – 2010

  • History of Ethics, Part Time Faculty
  • Ethics, Teaching Fellow
  • Political Theory, Teaching Assistant
  • Modern Philosophy, Teaching Assistant
  • Ancient Philosophy, Teaching Fellow
  • Social Philosophy, Teaching Assistant
  • Ancient Philosophy, Teaching Assistant

Full CV
