
The Department of Philosophy is governed by the Departmental Committee which consists of the department’s full-time faculty, its special teaching staff (E.DI.P.), and representatives of the Students’ Union who are appointed annually by the Union’s departmental board).


Parousis Michael, Associate Professor

Vice Chair:
Kontos Pavlos, Professor

Members of Faculty:
Goudeli Kyriaki, Associate Professor
Demetracopoulos John, Associate Professor
Dimitrakos Thodoris, Assistant Professor
Zeibekis Ioannis, Associate Professor
Michalakis Andreas, Assistant Professor
Michalski Mark, Assistant Professor
Mouzala Melina, Assistant Professor
Mylonaki Eugenia, Assistant Professor
Pagondiotis Konstantinos, Assistant Professor
Sangriotis Giorgos, Assistant Professor
Stavrianeas Stasinos, Assistant Professor

Special teaching staff (E.DI.P.):
Athanasopoulos Stavros, Alternate member

Student representatives:
Bakali Evangelia, Regular member
Panetas Georgios, Alternate member
