
  • Background

    The Department of Philosophy, founded in 1999, is the only department in Greece offering honours degrees in philosophy. Its curriculum covers the interpretation of texts within the philosophical tradition and the systematic investigation of contemporary philosophical problems and theories.

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  • Governance

    The Department of Philosophy is governed by the Departmental Committee which consists of the department’s full-time faculty, its special teaching staff (E.DI.P.), and representatives of the Students’ Union who are appointed annually by the Union’s departmental board).

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  • Degree Certification – Quality Assurance

    Degree Certification from ADIP Quality Assurance In the Department of Philosophy, evaluation procedures have been carried out initially after its establishment and then, in collaboration with the MO.DI.P. of the…

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  • Library

    The Philosophy Department Library is housed in building K25 and operates in close co-operation with the University of Patras central Library and Information Service (LIS). Until 2004, the Library’s operating costs…

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